My previous multi sim phones

Dual sim phone.Don't know if it is java, but works ok. Bought it mid-2016 because it was very cheap (€35) as secondary phone
A Quadruple sim java phone.Still in use-Java.. Unfortunately over time batteries life disappeared, so only a couple of hours by now. Since I have a spare, I can still make it thru the day...!
A Samsung C5212 Still working, nice java phone. Unfortunately system has a bug: when you receive a text on secondary sim, not always notified :-(
A LG A190Very nice and cheap. Battery lasts about a week. Dumb phone, but reliable. Very cheap too: €29. Finally gave it away to a friend when my simcard format changed.
Avatar ET2 Dual sim watch - java.Here again, quite nice, but batteries died :-(
Not very practical for texts. Tips: pre-record most used :-)

The main problem for all the cheap chinese phones: batteries !!!!
See here for more info on how I selected them and the android devices are here


Applications I was using on those are java apps, available from my java page.
